Provides information on lighting design related to different lighting situations, such as architectural lighting and theatrical lighting.
DiscoTech Atraxa Unit
Another super unit from DiscoTech! This is the unique Atraxa unit. The fixture uses a common 24 volt, 250 watt EHJ halogen lamp that sits at the rear inside a focusing housing to produce the beam. The beam projects through a dichoric color corrector and then into the special gobo/dichoric changer. The changer features 8 gobos/dichros attached to a special wheel on the perimeter. All of the wheels spin from a motor mounted on one side. The entire wheel rotates with an additional motor moving 1 gobo/dichro combination at a time to project. The large wheel stops at a specific spot by use of a special sensor that detects a special cut in the wheel. The light beam then projects through 2 more additional lenses then onto the special split 3 ways spinning dish. The output is 3 beams that spin at different speeds and in different directions to the beat of the mtsic. This was a strange find and shipped in from Canada! Fixture features high quality Micro Motors. Unit made in Poland.
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